My husband John and I have always pursued the extraordinary. OUR extraordinary. Every month we check in with each other, and ask — are we where God wants us to be? Are we happy? Are we living to our fullest?

Blame it on our generation (a lot of people tend to…), but we refuse to settle. We questions why things have to be done the same way they’ve been done for years. We ask why we’re bound to the anchors of life (that I supposed most people would say is adulthood). We ask ourselves all the time, “why not?”

our last photo in front of our house

Family Photo in front of our house

I (Melody) am the risk taker.

If it wasn’t for one of us being more grounded, sensical, and constant, we’d probably end up in REAL trouble. But with my daily “how can we change it all up” and John’s affirming “let’s research and figure it out,” life is always interesting.

But it was the year 2020, in all of its unexpectedness, and we found ourselves in a weird season of want. We were selling our beloved home to fund an adoption, move to a larger home with more land and to simply — change it up. But God said “stay.” And there were reasons for this that we found out. But we were bummed.

Make no mistake, WE ARE BLESSED. Beyond our wildest dreams.

At the time we lived at the base of the Rocky Mountains in a beautiful home that my college sweetheart and I updated for 9 years. We have a son we can’t believe we get to call ours, and a daughter that has a way with making close friends (evan at age 2). We had chickens and gardens and good paying jobs that grant us incredible flexibility.

But we’ve come to realize a few things:

  1. After God, family is first. And our presence with our children is more important than anything in this world. Imagine if you simplified your drive in life to one single thing. “Raise them well.” No stress over careers, no rat race for the “best” stuff, simply an answering to a call. “Raise them well.”

  2. Life is short, and there’s no time to waste. Including the long hours of 9 to 5 when my husband (and their father) is gone to work. Every moment is to be seized, treasured, grasped in gratefulness.

  3. Our country is falling. We live in a fallen world, so it’s of no surprise. But with truth being challenged, indoctrination being shoved in our (and our children’s) faces, and the blatant fact that we live in a post-Christian America… we must stand firm. We must build something lasting — that can be passed down. Whether that be memories, our bond as a family, or physical and material value, we must leave them with something more than a college fund.

Our journeys may look different, but I believe our hearts and innate desires are incredibly similar. May our experiences be your encouragement. Our journey to a life of simplicity and freedom be a guide to you and the freedom you find (most likely through RVing)!


What do we do for work?

The number one question we get. Well here’s that answer.

Zero Grid Accounting gives honest accounting solutions for small businesses affordably, taking on the daunting (yet important) task of making sure your books are balanced and working FOR you and your business. John offers a variety of accounting services that fit the specific need of each business. Read more at zerogridaccounting.com.

Finicky Fox Design is the design studio founded by Melody Christian, aimed at helping small businesses achieve visual harmony to make your dream clients become loyal to who you are and what you do. Design services include branding, logos, print materials, social media designs, and website design. Read more at finickyfoxdesign.com.